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The Podcast for Better Sex!

Oct 15, 2024

You're getting better with age and so should your love life!  That's why Dr. S and Dr. Shyama, board certified ob-gyn, tell you everything you need to know about lube, hormones, pelvic floor therapy, and prescriptions to make sex better during perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause! 

Press play now to get all your questions answered, including:

·      What lube is best for perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause?

·      Do you know there are TWO prescription medications for low desire in women?

·      Does testosterone applied down south increase arousal?

·      Why do UTIs increase with menopause and what to do about it?

·      Should you be using vaginal estrogen?

·      Does a daily vaginal moisturizer help with thinning tissue?

·      Is hormone replacement therapy something you should consider?

·      Can pelvic floor therapy treat sexual pain?

·      Is your doctor a member of the North American Menopause Society?


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