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The Podcast for Better Sex!

Sep 30, 2016

Getting booty on business trips! Why do people do it? What are the rules? Listen to Dr. S break down all the dynamics involved with cheating with colleagues. It's the easiest way to cheat but sometimes staying away from action at the office is sexier than than the complications caused by doing the deed.  

Sep 23, 2016

Sex and politics! The presidential election of 2016 is coming right up and Dr. S is examining which candidates are sexually fit it serve! This week, Dr. S discusses how Donald Trump's wife could influence sexual health policies if she ends up in the oval office with her hubs.

If you like this episode, do me sexy favor...

Sep 2, 2016

Born and raised in San Fran, Dr. Sonjia keeps it real about weed and talks about its effects on sex.

Sep 2, 2016

Don't swipe left! Dr. S is in the building, y'all.

Sep 2, 2016

Dr. Sonjia is back from Jaimaca with new sex advice!